
Double Head 360° Rotating Car Fan: Powerful Cooling for Any Vehicle


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Beat the Heat in Style: Double Head 360° Rotating Car Fan

Ditch the stifling summer heat and create a cool, comfortable driving experience for everyone with the innovative Double Head 360° Rotating Car Fan. This powerful little device packs a punch, delivering a refreshing blast of air that circulates throughout your vehicle.

The dual fan heads, adjustable in a sleek chrome finish, rotate a full 360 degrees, allowing you to direct the cool airflow exactly where you need it. No more fighting over the air vent! Whether you’re the driver seeking a crisp breeze on your face or a backseat passenger yearning for a gentle cool down, this car fan caters to everyone’s comfort.

Imagine cruising down the highway with the windows down, enjoying the fresh air (minus the windblown hair!). The Double Head 360° Rotating Car Fan eliminates the need for blasting your car’s AC.

saving you on fuel costs while still keeping your car interior a cool, inviting oasis. Plus, the subtle, calming blue LED light adds a touch of sophistication to your car’s ambiance.

This car fan is a breeze to install. With its universal design and secure mounting options (often including double-sided adhesive tape), it fits comfortably on most car dashboards. Simply plug the fan into your car’s 12V cigarette lighter socket (power adapter may vary).

adjust the fan heads to your desired angles, and enjoy the instant cooling effect.

The Double Head Fan is more than just functional; it’s a stylish and convenient accessory that enhances every ride. So ditch the discomfort and embrace the cool with this innovative car essential!

Stay cool on the go! Double Head 360° Rotating Car Fan blasts refreshing air & rotates for customized comfort. Universal fit & calming blue LED light.

Most fans are powered by electric motors, but other sources of power may be used, including hydraulic motorshandcranks, and internal combustion engines.

Double Head 360° Rotating Car Fan: Powerful Cooling for Any Vehicle

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Weight 500 g
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 5 cm


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